Area Co-ordinator Louise Carroll has launched a Topic GROW Zoom meeting which will be held every Wednesday night going forward.

Members are choosing the topic and speaking from their own experience of what is helping them. The second topic was on ‘What Strengthens Us’.

The aim of putting these notes together and sending onto members through email or placing on website is to encourage people to come online, make a connection with others and put their thinking caps on around what can help us during this time.


The following are insights given by GROW Members who attended our Topic meeting on Zoom May 20th

  1. Helping others – By helping others we are helping ourselves
  2. Getting up, dressed and ready or the day
  3. Keeping active
  4. Having a change of environment/ get outside/ go for a drive or a walk
  5. Saying hello to neighbour, friends and people we meet throughout our day
  6. Me time – A nice hot shower, bath, reading a book, a nice cuppa, a chat with a friend allowing ourselves time each day strengthens us
  7. Affirmations – Taking a GROW Wisdom each morning and using it as your daily affirmation
  8. Being creative
  9. Spending time in nature
  10. Taking care and control of our bodies


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