Grow Mental Health is a charity that provides free, friendly community based, peer support groups for anyone who is experiencing a mental health issue.

Before COVID-19, almost 1,000 people from all over Ireland walked through the doors of over 100 weekly Grow support meetings. Side by side, they shared their stories and harnessed the hope and wisdom of the Grow Program. When the pandemic hit, we joined forces online and continued to help each other make sense of what is happening in our lives. Together, using a structured program, we find ways to manage the challenges we are facing. The unique strength is that this support is coming from people who are in, or are coming from, similar situations. Members support, encourage and guide each other to a better place- building true friendships and resilience, as we wait patiently for this time of uncertainty to pass.

Grow Mental Health is a registered charity and we also deliver Mental Health Education Programmes both within the community and the workplace. The aim of these programmes is to increase awareness of Mental Health, to outline the relevance of Mental Health in our daily lives and to focus on the importance of maintaining one’s own Mental Health and general sense of wellbeing.

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