8 Tips on How to be Happier this Christmas

Whether you have fish, turkey, duck or tofu, celebrate on the 24th, 25th or 26th December or maybe don’t celebrate Christmas at all...

If you are looking for alternative inspirational ideas about how to be happier this Christmas - look no further!

Christmas can be the most wonderful time of the year for some people, whereas for others, it is a time when financial stress, increased demands, burnout and family feuds can come to the forefront. Christmas is not a fairy tale for everyone despite the happy family images often portrayed by media and social media.

But what if this year we gave ourselves permission to be happy on Christmas Day - no matter what? To plan the day as we see fit and not give a second thought to societal pressures or demands. What would this day look like and how would our rituals change?

We asked some of our members in the Grow community - what helped them to feel happier and this was their feedback.

1. Redefine the Day

Explore Alternatives: Look into how other cultures and traditions celebrate holidays or focus on something unrelated to Christmas. This could include celebrating Winter Solstice or enjoying a quiet and peaceful day.

Jonathon, one of our members loves to sit down with a good novel and get away from the craziness of it all.

DIY Projects: Treat the day as an opportunity to finish projects or explore creative hobbies, bringing satisfaction and a sense of achievement.

The loss of a loved one is often more acutely felt during Christmas: visit people living on their own.

Spending time with people who might be isolated or lonely can create mutual joy and a sense of  community connection.

Bring Christmas dinner to older people or people living on their own.

Barry, another member volunteered one Christmas Day and brought dinners around to the elderly. He thought that the whole experience was fantastic. So, gratifying and his daughter came with him which was a great lesson for her in compassion and care.

Volunteer or Fundraise: Serving others can foster gratitude and provide perspective, boosting personal happiness.

Be kind to yourself: Spend the day indulging in your favourite activities, whether it is a spa day at home, journaling, or enjoying a quiet walk in nature.

Holly, another member suggests focusing on yourself and what you need as oppose to the demands that the external world imposes on us.

Gift Yourself: Pick something meaningful or enjoyable for yourself, wrapping it carefully and opening it as a deliberate gesture of self-love.

Non-Traditional Meals: Mary, a Grow Member suggests ordering a takeaway that might cover meals for 2 days over Christmas. This takes the stress out of cooking a Christmas dinner.

Alternatively, try out a new recipe, or keeping meals simple, let food be enjoyable without unnecessary stress.

Skip Forced Gatherings: Excuse yourself from situations that cause discomfort or stress.

Personal Traditions: Whether it’s a sea swim, a marathon or favourite movies, or baking something special, make the day yours. Celebrate Christmas your way.

Reading or Movies: Sit down with a new novel or revisit a nostalgic favourite. Pair this with cosy surroundings for ultimate comfort.

Accept Your Feelings:
Barry suggests it is good to acknowledge that it’s okay not to feel very festive. Sometimes just allowing yourself to be as you are can relieve pressure and open the door to contentment.

Entertainment: Choose uplifting content, like comedies or feel-good music, to enhance your mood.

Podcasts or Audiobooks: Listen to an interesting conversational podcast that gives you a social setting to feel connected and intellectually stimulated.

Reflect on what brings joy and fulfilment to your life, even if it’s not Christmas-related. Gratitude can shift perspective and enhance well-being.

Ultimately, happiness on Christmas Day, like any day, is about aligning actions with your authentic self and values.
Giving yourself permission to craft the day according to your wants, wishes, needs and desires, free from guilt or external pressures, is a powerful step toward personal fulfilment.

It is your holiday - give yourself permission to celebrate it however you see fit and take the guilt out of it!