AUGUST 2024 Newsletter – Gathering Together

August 2024 Newsletter:
Gathering together.
The Grow Mental Health vision is an Ireland where no one needs to navigate mental health challenges or life’s struggles alone. This month we explore what it means to gather together and why it is important for wellness to be in the company of others. Isolation and loneliness are all too common in Ireland. This month, consider adding a few gatherings to your social calendar. You never know who needs that moment of connection right now. Read on to find lots of inspiration for coming together plus Grow news and updates. Enjoy! You can reach us on our social media platforms and by email [email protected]

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You can support Grow Mental Health and our vision of an Ireland where no one needs to navigate mental health challenges or life’s struggles alone by making a donation now.

Make A Donation
September 20th - 22nd, 2024

Get ready for the Grow Mental Health National Weekend from September 20th to 22nd, 2024! We're excited to share the agenda for this years event after experiencing such a enjoyable National Weekend last year at the Killeshin Hotel.

Friday, September 20th
- 3:00 PM     Check-in and Registration.
- 5:00 PM     AGM - Walnut Suite
- 6:00 PM     Welcome session for first-time attendees - Walnut Suite
- 7:00 PM     Buffet Dinner - Cedar Rooms Restaurant
                     Soup starter, choice of 2 mains, assiette of desserts, tea/coffee**
- 8:30 PM     Meditation with Liz Shortall
- 8:30 PM     Table Quiz with Christine Fitzgerald -Walnut Suite
- 9:30 PM     Member Performances with MC Alan Keaveney

Saturday, September 21st
- 7:30 AM     Breakfast opens - Cedar Rooms Restaurant
- 9:30 AM     Opening address - Annabel O’Keeffe, Grow MH Interim CEO 
- 10.00 AM   Personal Story*
- 10:30 AM   John McKeon,  Founder and Director, Kyrie Farm*
- 11:30 AM    Coffee Break

- 12:00 PM    Professor Jim Lucey, Inspector of Mental Health Services, Mental Health Commission*
- 1:15 PM      Light lunch (Soup/Sandwiches/Wraps with tea/coffee)
- 2:30 PM      Workshops (approx. 60 -90mins)
                            Storytelling – Eileen Clevenger - Walnut Suite
                            Art - Emma
                            Music & Song - Gerry Farrell -  Macs Upper Bar
- 5:00 PM     Free time
- 7:30 PM     Dinner - Walnut Suite (Choice of starter, main & dessert)
- 9:30 PM     Music & Entertainment

Sunday, September 22nd
- 7:30 AM     Breakfast opens - Cedar Rooms Restaurant
- 10:30 AM   How Our Stories Connect Us*
- 11:30 AM   Sharing Our Stories, Panel Discussion with Jenny Synnott, Grow MH Communications Officer (Walnut Suite)*
- 12.30 PM  Closing address
- 1:00 PM    Lunch - Walnut Suite (Choice of 2 mains plus tea/ coffee)
- 2:00 PM    Home

There are still a few single and twin rooms remaining at the time of publication as well as some Saturday single attendance and weekend day only tickets. You can click here to register: Grow National Weekend Registration

* Please be sure you can attend these events
** The Killeshin Hotel staff are more than happy to accommodate any food allergies or dietary restrictions. Please let them know at the earliest opportunity during meal times.
By Jonathan, Grow Group Member, Eastern Region

As they say, “no man is an island.” We are all connected in ways we can hardly imagine. The world is one great web and I’m not talking about the internet! However, when we first get mentally unwell our sense of connection can diminish.
We may stay at home. Maybe in bed. We may stop meeting with friends and family. Our comfort zone can shrink. Our higher power (if we believe or not) seems remote. We can feel all alone. Just one person on this lonely planet!

But there are connections there waiting and happening. A friend may call. A family member may knock on your door. You can let them in literally and also into your heart. The best connections are made through the heart. You may take the initiative and call them. You may call a GP, a psychiatrist or a counsellor to get the ball rolling. In a dark place you can reach out to the Samaritans.** Human kindness is healing. You may hear of a mental health resource centre or a drop-in centre on the radio or of a peer support group like Grow. You can search online. There is so much help out there waiting.

I believe there is power in making those connections, of talking to people. So, gather your courage and reach out. You often meet the right person at the right time or hear of the right place at the right time. We have all had experiences like that. 

We may have the feeling we are on our own, however we are one part of one big orchestra that’s conducted by a mysterious power. We all have our little part to play in harmony with the whole. All the little parts are connected. It is through those connections that life flows and healing comes. Our home, purpose and meaning is in these marvellous connections.

** SAMARITANS call 116 123 or email [email protected]


What a feat! Well done to John Penny and Stephen Lappin (pictured below with Grow Area Coordinator Celia Brett) on their tremendous accomplishment. Longtime friends Stephen and John took on the challenge of cycling the Col du Tourmalet - one of the highest paved mountain passes in the French Pyrenees TWICE in two days. They did all of this to raise funds for Grow Mental Health to ensure that no one has to navigate mental health challenges or life's struggles alone.They pushed their minds and bodies and overcome a fair few obstacles to reach their goal of cycling more than 10,000 feet up, up, up over the August Bank Holiday weekend. Huge thanks to both of you for your commitment to raising much-needed funds for the work we are doing here at Grow Mental Health. They have raised almost €2,000 so far and there is still time to donate:

If you have an idea for a fundraiser in aid of Grow Mental Health and would like some help getting started, please contact Jenny or Síle: [email protected]. Campaigns like John and Stephen's are so very important to the continuation of our services throughout Ireland and online.


By Lucy, Grow Group Member, Online

Coming together around food is a bonding experience for both family, friends and even strangers. Food is a conversation starter not to mention a starter of a three course meal! To finish off the three course meal here is a recipe for dessert - a dessert that can be shared on those days where we come together and celebrate being with others.

Lavender Lemon Fairy Cakes
Very easy
Makes 12
Prep: 15 minutes + 20 minutes cooling
12-15 minutes cooking


115 g/4 oz golden caster sugar;
115 g/4 oz butter, softened;
2 eggs, beaten;
1 tbsp milk;
1 tsp lavender flowers;
½ tsp vanilla essence
175 g/6oz self-raising flour, sifted;

140 g/5 oz icing sugar;
Juice of ½ lemon.


1. Preheat the oven to 200℃/400℉/Gas Mark 6;
2. Place 12 paper cake cases in a bun tin;
3. Place the caster sugar and butter in a bowl and cream together until pale and fluffy;
4. Gradually beat in the eggs;
5. Stir in the milk and vanilla essence;
6. Then carefully stir in the flour;
7. Divide the mixture between the paper cases;
8. Sift the icing sugar into a bowl and stir in the juice of half a lemon to make a thick icing;
9. Bake in the preheated oven for 12-15 minutes or until well risen and golden (the sponge should bounce back when pressed);
10. When the cakes are baked, transfer to a wire rack ad place a blob of icing in the centre of each one, allowing it to run across the cake;
11. Decorate with lavender flowers and serve as soon as the cakes are cool.


Once again, THANK YOU to every single person who walked, yoga-ed, swam, meditated, and gathered for our 2024 GO YELLOW campaign in June. Because of your dedication and commitment, we raised over €12,000, making June one of the most successful fundraising months yet for Grow Mental Health. We couldn't have done it without all of the people who participated and those working tirelessly in the background to bring this campaign to life. THANK YOU.

We are still basking in the warmth and creativity of the campaign and here are few more memories from GO YELLOW:

Our Grow Night In: Carrigtohill GO YELLOW
By Zameel, Carrigtohioll Grow Group

Chef Garry was the star of the evening with his delicious chicken satay. The group brought the condiments. Deserts included millionaires caramel shortbread requested a second time and a stunning roulade, prepared by relations of Grow members, along with a strawberry cheesecake that provided a giggle for most of the night (had to be there to get the joke)! The group said it was as beneficial as a meeting and we may keep it as an on going group event at least once a year. The group are so grateful for the Grow program and culture. The kindness, strength, and support radiates from the Carrigtowhill group. We thoroughly enjoyed our Grow night in for GO YELLOW.


Going Yellow in Trim
By: Louise, Grow Mental Health Area Coordinator, Northeastern Region

The Trim group got together for GO YELLOW for a lunch meet-up. As one of the Trim members is an elderly lady the group wanted to be sure to include her for the festivities, so a low-impact activity was key. 

The lunch was very enjoyable and members made a huge effort to make it special with lots of chat, laughter, planning for more lunch meetups for the future. 


Western Regional Weekend July 2024

By Alan, Grow Area Coordinator, Western Region

On the evening of Friday the 5th of July 2024, Growers from Galway, Mayo, Roscommon, Sligo, Donegal and Dublin began to arrive at St. Mary’s in Knock, Co. Mayo for the Western Regional Weekend. This was our second year attending this tranquil location. We had 40 attendees staying in St. Mary’s and 10 day trippers.

Thanks to Grow Western Regional Administrator Patricia Steinegger and Former Grow Regional Manager Ruairi Powell, we successfully obtained National Lottery funding which enabled us to offer a generous subsidy on the accommodation cost to our attendees. We wish Ruairi well in his new role with the National Learning Network.

On the Friday evening our schedule began with a talk from Sharon Ledwith. Sharon is an Emotional Wellness Coach who spoke about “Emotional and Mental Awareness”. Fr. Stan then welcomed all attendees and hosted a short session on reflections. Our Growers were delighted to see that Fr. Stan could join us for the full weekend and he had inspiring input into many parts of the weekend.

Entertainment on both nights was a real highlight of the weekend. On the Friday night a young local band called “Bandjaxed” had us all tapping our toes and taking a turn on the dancefloor. They are a fusion of Trad, Country, Pop and Folk music. On the Saturday night we had our now traditional Grow Talent Show which included singing, poetry, Uilleann pipes, low tin whistle and a story or two.

On the Saturday we were welcomed by Anna
bel O’Keefe, Grow Mental Health Interim CEO who gave an update on what has happened in Grow Mental Health this year. We were also joined by Mary Walsh, Grow Volunteer and Member Support Officer who spoke about “Welcoming Newcomers”. Her presentation even contained a very popular role play! We had a segment where anyone could suggest a part of the Grow program that means something to them and talk about it. After lunch Cathal Owens, a member of Banjaxed, gave a very personal talk on “Music and Stories”.

That afternoon gave Growers the chance to enjoy some Chair Yoga and a guided tour of Knock. On the Sunday, Marian Trench, Energy Therapist, gave the keynote presentation on “Recovery Through Balanced Living”. Then our own Julie gave an amazing personal story. We must also thank Julie for baking and selling hundreds of delicious snacks with all proceeds going to Grow MH. Our final presenters were
Nikola, Mike, and John, who gave an update on the interesting mental health research they are doing.

Huge thanks to all those who attended, supported, and contributed to another successful Western Regional Weekend. Planning 2025 has already begun!




In July we talked about friendship and how our friends lift us in the darkest times. Our July Podcast was a lovely continuation of the discussion with host Jenny and Grow Area Coordinator and Group Member Danielle. We looked at the different kinds of friendships we encounter throughout our lives and ask the questions - how do we make friends? Plus so much more. Enjoy!

Danielle has been a Grow Group Member for years and a Grow Area Coordinator in the Online and Midwestern Regions for nearly two years. Thank you, Danielle for your honest and joyful contribution to the podcast.

Listen to them share their stories and their ideas about hope here:


by Michelle McCormick, Grow Area Coordinator, Midlands Region

After a very well-received open day in Mountmellick, Inspector Joe Culliton from Portlaoise station invited me to give a talk on Grow at four early morning briefings.
I attended at 8AM on four morning in July and met with all Gardaí from all over Co. Laois, with 25 – 30 Gardaí attending each talk.

All staff eagerly engaged in the presentation subsequent Q&A session. There was particular interest in making referrals. We can now be confident that Laois Gardaí have heard of Grow Mental Health and are aware of the service we provide.

Inspector Joe Culliton (pictured here with me) has very kindly approached Judge Cody on our behalf to tell him of the work we do and amazingly they have decided to include us in the Court Poor Box Fund! This is a fund that is divided yearly between deserving cases and charities. We will now be included on a yearly basis. This was a wonderful experience and opportunity and I hope to make contact with the Offaly Gardaí to continue spreading the word.


August 9th- International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples
August 12th - International Youth Day
August 19th - World Humanitarian Day
August 30th -  International Overdose Awareness Day

Open to all staff members. (Attendance to be on your own time) weekly on Thursdays @ 10 AM (PLEASE NOTE UPDATED DAY/TIME). Contact Mary Walsh for the link: [email protected]


Online Grow Group meeting every Friday at 2 PM for any Grow member who might have missed their weekly Group, is looking for some extra support between meetings, or would like to offer support to others. Contact Felicia: [email protected]

Meetings take place online on Tuesdays between 10:30 AM and 12 PM. Click here for more details.

Our Caring and Sharing Online Coffee Morning is open to anyone in the Grow Community and meets online on the LAST MONDAY of every month. Contact [email protected] for details. Why not come along and share with other Grow members and staff in a casual, friendly setting?
Stay up to date with Grow by subscribing to our social media channels at the links below.

Grow in Ireland
Registered Charity Number: 200223294
33 Henry Street, Limerick, Ireland
Information Line: 0 818 474 474
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