GROW Mental Health Recovery staying positive during Covid-19

GROW Mental Health Recovery launch six-week programme to create hope and stay positive
One of Ireland’s best known Mental Health service providers, GROW Mental Health Recovery, has launched a new initiative to help people cope with the restrictions surrounding the Coronavirus.
Following the Government’s decision to impose further restrictions in the fight against the Coronavirus  ‘Creating Hope and Staying Positive during Covid-19’ is being hosted on and will provide information, advice, podcasts, coping techniques and fun tasks, centred around looking after our mental health during times of social isolation over the course of the next six weeks.
The premise of the idea is that we are facing the reality that this is a long-term process and we need advice that will sustain us over the coming weeks.
Each week, the initiative will deal with a new topic and illustrate how adapting the principles and techniques of GROW Mental Health Recovery can help us cope with the challenges we currently face.
These principles include, accepting our situation and being able to deal with it, taking control of our own situation while getting the support of others, along with staying connected, keeping balanced in all aspects of our life, and dealing with issues as they arise.
The first week will cover ‘Accepting What Is’ and will be followed by ‘Connecting in Isolation’ and ‘Adopting a Positive Mindset’. Week 4 is ‘Create Balance and Routine’, followed by ‘Challenge and Self-Care’ before the series concludes with ‘Deal With Anxiety’.
In launching the initiative, GROW Mental Health Recovery CEO, Michele Kerrigan, outlined the importance of the initiative.
“The outbreak of the Coroanvirus has resulted in a great deal of change to our lives and we all face the challenge of adapting to the ‘new normal’.
“Much of what we knew as being normal has changed. The simple things like meeting up with a family member or friend for a chat, a playdate for the children, going on holiday, taking part in sport, pursuing a hobby, or even attending our GROW Support Group Meetings are no longer available to us.
“Many of us are missing the challenge and interactions provided by work, school or college and there is no doubt that it can be difficult to adapt to the pressures of families confined to their house. As a result we are left with a stark choice – we either let ourselves get down and bemoan that fact that life is not what it used to be, or we make the most of what is a challenging situation,” explained Michele.
“One of the main challenges will be to our mental health and it is vital that we take action to look after that part of our lives and that is why we have put together this information.
“The reality is that the restrictions will be in place for some time and that is why we wanted to create a resource that people can follow over the next six weeks as opposed to one piece of advice.
“We have attempted to make sure it is informative, reassuring and relevant but also challenging and fun, so along with giving information on looking after your mental health, we have also included practical tasks. We are encouraging people to get creative during this time and one example of this is providing a weekly recipe that will allow them spend time with the family while creating a wholesome meal,” continued the CEO.
“Our podcasts are a new initiative but it means that people can access the information when it suits,” added Michele

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