Grow’s Virtual Mini Marathon
The lockdown has linked many of us back with our legs, as more and more people have put on runners and set off on a fitness journey. In the spirit of this, Grow Mental Health will be hosting its annual Mini Marathon, but this time we will cheer each other on online.
From October 1st to October 10th (World Mental Health Day), Growers and supporters will raise €100 each by running a 10K their own way. Whether taking on the challenge alone or with friends, participants can chose to run wherever they like- be it in the garden, around the estate or in a nearby park. Participants will time themselves- some may opt for 1k a day, others may take on the full 10K in one go, but all will be capturing their challenge online and raising money for Grow.
Area Coordinators are encouraged to recommend Grow’s Virtual Mini Marathon as a 12th Step activity or a weekly task, as it embraces many of the stages of recovery and growth, from Step 7: ‘We took care and control of our bodies’ to Step 12: ‘We carried Grow’s message to others in need.’
To take part:
1. See
2. Select Grow In Ireland as your chosen charity
3. Get training and have fun!
.Register today to receive your Vhi fundraising pack with T-shirt, race number etc.