Meet the Grow Mental Health Team
The Board

John O’Donnell

Diarmuid Cronin

Denis Fitzpatrick

Christine Fitzgerald

Paul Clabby

Kate Slater
John O’Donnell
Joining a Grow Group in 2013, John took his first steps into the world of ‘Peer Support Mental Health Recovery ‘by joining the Donegal Town Grow group where he rediscovered the importance of friendship to mental health “To have a friend, be a friend.”
From very early on he completely embraced the community spirit and personal development opportunities which he found to be unique to Grow Mental Health at that time. Since then, John has filled many roles within the organisation, firstly within his own region of the Northwest and secondly at national level with positions on both The Program Team and The Board.
John has previous experience in the charity sector working with the RSPCA.
Still an animal lover at heart John shares his home with a stray cat but his passion for both Mental Health and The Grow Program is fuelled by his belief in the power of human connection and friendship.
Diarmuid Cronin
Diarmuid joined Grow in 2009 in order to get support for his Mental Health difficulties. Within a year of joining, he became the organiser of his own Grow group. This was his first Leadership role in Grow. He found this leadership role to be very affirming. After having a very positive experience of Leadership in Grow, he then went on to join the Southern Region’s Regional team in 2011 and later became the Chairperson of the Regional Team in 2017. All the leadership roles within Grow he has found to be very affirming. He joined the National Board in 2023, and he is very happy to give back to the Grow organisation having received so much from Grow over the years.
Denis Fitzpatrick
Denis joined Grow in the 90’s. He has served as both Organizer and Recorder of two different Grow groups in Dublin. He subsequently became a member and subsequently, Chairperson, of the Eastern Regional Team. He has served on the Board of Grow in Ireland as both a member and as an officer, with a break in service, over the years. Currently he is Company Secretary and a member of the National Programme Team.
Christine Fitzgerald
Christine Fitzgerald has been a member of Grow Mental Health since 1986. She is delighted to serve on the board as she attributes, her own positive mental well-being to her lived experience of mental health challenges and years of membership with her Limerick peer support group. As part of her own 12 step recovery journey her fellow group members encouraged her to return to education and she now holds a degree in Psychotherapy and is a licensed therapist. She also held the role of National Program Coordinator for Grow for over 7 years. In her spare time Christine loves travelling and spending time with her grandsons.
Paul Clabby
Paul joined his local Galway Grow group in 2006. Through the support of his group & Area Co-ordinator he took on the role of Group Organiser, eventually becoming the Grow Area Co-ordinator for the Galway Region in 2012. Since then he has developed his knowledge in peer support by successfully completing the DCU Cerificate in Peer Support Working in Mental Health. He is currently employed a Peer Support Worker with the Loughrea Community Mental Health in Galway.
Paul has continually added to his knowledge of peer support & community mental health. As well as completing the DCU accredited Grow Leadership course, Paul has also successfully completed a diploma in Community Development from University of Galway & an advanced diploma in Mental Health & Wellbeing Coaching from Kingstown College.
Paul strongly believes in the benefits of peer group learning for mental health recovery. As a trained facilitator he regularly facilitates WRAP, Decider Skills & ASIST Suicide Intervention training for members of the public.
Paul credits his involvement in Grow as essential in his recovery. Grow’s saying, ‘we took our responsible & caring place in society’ was instrumental in encouraging Paul to re-connect with the wider community. Paul is currently the local Cub Scout group Leader in Gort which he finds deeply rewarding. His other interests are 5-a-side soccer, golf & supporting Liverpool Football Club which he has found over the years both enjoyable & frustrating in equal measure. 😊
Paul lives in Gort, County Galway & shares his life with his wife Mandy & two young boys Luke & Jesse.
Paul has been serving on the Grow National Board since 2023.
Kate Slater
Kate came through the door at Grow in Kilkenny needing help with her Mental Health. She didn’t know what to expect but that was over 10 years ago and her journey in Grow has given her a recovery path which continues on.
Kate took on roles of Recorder / Organiser and then she was offered a Community Enterprise job in the Kilkenny office. This led to her getting a full time job as an Area Coordinator.
Kate is now retired but is volunteering on the Regional Team and the Program Team and she only recently joined the Grow Board.
Kate hopes to give back to Grow what Grow has given to her.
Leading Grow Mental Health Centrally
Annabel O’Keeffe
Interim CEO
Annabel is responsible for day-to-day management of Grow Mental Health and is accountable to the board
Colette Flannery
Head of National Programs
Colette reports to the CEO and is responsible for leading a work plan driven by the organisation’s strategic plan. Colette works directly with Grow Mental Health’s Senior Leadership Team, the National Program Committee, Staff, Regional Program Teams, and volunteers to deliver these aims.
Dara Farrelly
People and Culture Manager
Dara is responsible for building a people focused, values based workplace and building capacity among our volunteers and staff. This will involve supporting the creation of the People and Culture Subcommittee of the Board and ensuring that our volunteers and staff have opportunities to develop their skills to meet the current and future needs of Grow Mental Health.
Sile Tracey
Marketing, Communications and Fundraising Manager
Sile is is responsible for day-to-day management of the Marketing, Communications and Fundraising departments of Grow Mental Health.
interim Digital Services Manager
The Digital Services Development Manager is responsible for day-to-day strategic management of the Grow Online support groups.
Mary Purcell
Regional Manager (South / South East / Midwest)
Mary is responsible for managing the work of Grow MH in the south of the Country, supported by 12 Staff and 3 Volunteer Regional Teams.
Position to be filled
governance, Compliance and Risk Officer
As Governance, Compliance and Risk Officer (GCRO) – advising the Board of Grow and the management team on matters of governance and oversee how we meet our risk management and compliance obligations.
Aisling Cassin
Financial Manager
Aisling is responsible for the Control and Management of all Financial aspects of Grow Mental Health.
Interim IT Officer
Stephen runs the IT function in Grow, working with Grow members and staff to facilitate the digitisation of Grow, plan IT infrastructure for the organisation, and help with making Grow function more efficiently.
Lindsay O'Donoghue
Data Officer for Monitoring and Evaluation
Lindsay is responsible for the processes and policies around data collection, monitoring and evaluation.
Kris Berg
Human Resources - HR oFFICER
Kris is responsible for the Recruitment and Selection, Policy and Procedures and Employee Relations within Grow Mental Health.