October 2024 Newsletter – Beyond the Group

October 2024 Newsletter:
Grow Beyond the Group
The wisdom shared in our weekly online and in-person support meetings provide life-changing support for hundreds of people across Ireland. But there is so much more to Grow beyond the our support groups. We meet socially, we take on leadership roles, we raise awareness for Grow MH, and we incorporate the Grow Program of Hope and Recovery into our daily lives. Today is World Mental Health Day. We want to do everything we can so that people across Ireland know about what we do all year round to support those with mental health challenges. Starting with this newsletter. Read on for examples of how Grow shows up beyond our groups. You can also read about opportunities to work and volunteer with Grow Mental Health in new and exciting roles. This edition is packed with news and updates, so grab a warm cup of something and enjoy! And help us spread the word by sharing it with a friend. You can reach us on our social media platforms and by email [email protected]

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You can support Grow Mental Health and our vision of an Ireland where no one needs to navigate mental health challenges or life’s struggles alone by making a donation now.

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We focus on Friendship in our Groups and through our program of hope and recovery. We know that when we learn to love ourselves and those around us, we can reconnect to our hopeful self. We can see the value in everyone we meet. We can learn from, share, and grow with friends. Friendship buoys our groups and permeates the wisdom we share with one another. This World Mental Health Day we celebrate friendship and the power of connection. Join us in recognising those who have connected you to your healing journey and celebrating your journey back to yourself. 

The dust is settling and the memories are starting to bubble up from our 2024 National Weekend in Portlaoise. What a weekend it was! The theme was Storytelling and it was quite a privilege to see how our Grow community leaned into the power of their own stories. Our Grow values of Hope, Support, Change, Connection, Integrity, and Inclusion were demonstrated in every part of the weekend. 

Inspirational keynote speakers were John McKeon, Ciara Glynn and Eoin Galavan from Kyrie Farm and Dr. Jim Lucey, author A Whole New Plan For Living.

Workshops this year included Meditation and Mindfulness run by Grow Area Coordinator Liz Shortall and creativity with pastels and water colours with the very talented Emma Phillips. The ever-creative Gerry Farrell led a music session (with a bonus performance from the New Grow Band before Saturday's dinner), and Grow Area Coordinator Elieen Clevenger facilitated a storytelling workshop that culminated in a powerful story collage presented by participants on Sunday morning. It demonstrated just how connected we are by our stories.

Our leadership team put together thoughtful sessions relating to this year's theme and of course there was plenty of socialising, dancing, singing, and play. 

Grow member Susan gave her uplifting personal story, showing true bravery and generosity. It was powerful and representative of the hope and growth someone can find in the Grow program. 

This weekend was a reminder of why we do what we do every day in Grow. Getting to spend time with the group members and Grow colleagues had a restorative and energising effect.

By John, Grow Group Member, Northwestern Region

The word beyond can have different meanings depending on the context in which the word appears. When people say `to go beyond` typically its used to describe someone who does more than what is expected of them. In Grow it's important to remember that you are only ever expected to do your best.  

“If a thing is worth doing, it`s worth doing badly for a start and while you`re improving.” (Grow Program Book)

When I think of the word beyond in the context of 'Grow Beyond the Group', I see it in terms of personal leadership and allowing ourselves the possibility of moving from behind to the front. From a place where our self-limitations keep us isolated, and lacking personal value, towards the front, where we can value ourselves and our unique talents. Hopefully, we develop sufficient courage to go beyond our habitual self-imposed limitations to move forward towards new achievements.

“I am valuable, I have a purpose and a unique place in this world that no one else can fill.” (Grow Program Book) 

The Grow Program refers to the `Three Stages of Growth` (Program Book p7) and how we experience “Recovery and personal growth…”. Accepting the invitation of leadership, in small ways we are becoming more involved in our Group, and we develop valid grounds for confidence.  

“Confidence is not a feeling but an attitude of mind.” (Grow Program Book)

Our Grow groups are welcoming, friendly, and supportive. We are encouraged to take on leadership tasks and voluntary roles, such as becoming a Recorder or Organiser for a Group. When we accept these roles, we become `Progressing Growers` becoming more deeply involved with the wider Grow Community. It is perfectly natural to be feeling nervous and apprehensive because we will be moving outside of our comfort zone.  

“Participation in Grow will widen outside the group and include attending Leaders and Organisers and Recorders (O&R) meetings, taking part in information meetings or supporting new groups.” (Grow Program Book p8)

We recognise the significant role that our volunteers and members play in the success of our membership led organisation. We wishes to encourage our members to develop a deepening involvement in Grow. The Grow Leadership Course has been designed to encourage members participating to take on the progressive challenge of Leadership, as a means of personal development.  

“Grow sees all its members as having a leadership role.” (The Grow Leadership Course)


By Holly Darragh-Hickey, Grow Group Member, Southern Region

Three years ago, I would have quailed at the idea of taking on leadership of any kind. My self-esteem wasn’t in good shape when I started with Grow. It had been battered from unemployment, mental illness, emotional abuse and the general adversities of life. However, last Summer, when our Grow Area Coordinator asked me to become Group Organiser, I agreed without hesitation.

It came as a surprise initially, but then I realised that confidence is just another bi-product of living the Grow Program. It has been a subtle, incremental shift in me, percolating alongside other Grow principles, such as hope, responsibility and personal value. Speaking of personal value; I believe it is the foundational force at work here. Without personal value, confidence does not have a suitable environment to flourish in. “I am valuable, I have a purpose and a unique place in this world that no one can fill” (Grow Program Book). One cannot be confident, and certainly can’t be a leader, if they do not believe in themselves. 

I did not appreciate the enormity of taking this step into leadership, until later, when someone pointed it out to me. I then realised, that I had sought out leadership in other instances as well. I had joined Grow's Content Creation Team earlier in the year. Before that, I had set up an informal writing group for my local Grow group.

It is a big deal stepping into one leadership role, let alone three. For me especially. “Sufficient care, sufficient risk” (Grow Program Book). I had previously been paralysed by this wisdom. In the early days of joining Grow, my interpretation of this wisdom had been coloured by my lack of self-belief. I had believed that if I really cared about something, the risk of failure would always outweigh the opportunity. As a result, many opportunities were lost to me.

These days, I have a newer and healthier interpretation. I see this wisdom as a guide, helping me to pursue meaning in my life. I have learned, that I want to lead in areas that are personally meaningful. This is a sign of their importance to me. It helps me see and map out possibilities in my future.

The leadership roles themselves, have each been very different experiences. The writer’s group was short-lived, and was my first venture into leadership. It was great because it was a low-stakes endeavour, with a group I was very comfortable with. I have noticed that my previous mindset has changed for the better. I do not see it each endeavour in terms of success or failure. It is about my efforts and learning opportunities. The fact this project didn’t “stick” is not a reflection of myself or my abilities. If anything, it has encouraged me to continue putting myself forward in future.

On the Content Creation Team, I am working alongside others, many of whom are long-standing “Growers”, heavily involved and invested in Grow’s future. Being a part of this team of leaders has been a fantastic opportunity for me, not only to give back to Grow, but to grow my own confidence and experience as a leader. 

My role, as Group Organiser has not yet formally begun. I will be attending my first meeting in the coming weeks. This is an opportunity to contribute to Grow on a more macro scale. I will be working with my own Grow group. I look forward to helping with the running of the group, welcoming new members and guiding others in following the program. I will be liaising with other Organisers at meetings and reporting on the progress of our groups.

I am planning to do the Grow Leadership Course, as a way of supporting my transition into both roles. I know of others who have completed this course and highly recommend it. Having the formal training can only add to my confidence and ability.

Leadership no longer feels so scary and unattainable, as it once did. It is testament to how much I have changed as a person. My once small and self-preoccupied world, has opened up beyond myself, to a wider world. I now know and feel that I am not the centre of the universe. It is thanks to my Grow group, our fantastic Area Coordinator, my own efforts, and a program that works that I am the person I am today.
Recruitment for Volunteer and Paid Roles Ongoing
Join Our Board
Grow Mental Health (Grow M H) is seeking dedicated and experienced individuals to join its Board of Directors. This is an opportunity to play a leading role in one of Ireland's longest standing mental health organisations.

We are seeking both general Board members and a Board Member/Trustee with Human Resources Experience to join the Board of Grow Mental Health and its People and Culture Board Committee.

We embrace diversity and encourage applications from individuals across all sectors of our community. Click here to learn more and get the complete role descriptions.

Seeking National Program Officer
This is a fantastic opportunity for a motivated individual who is passionate about empowering the recovery of people who are affected by mental health challenges. The individual will work directly with the Head of National Programs, the Regional Program Teams, and the National Support Team to lead the work plan driven by Grow’s strategic plan and objectives.

The NPO will be an inspiring leader, modelling the Grow Mental Health Culture, Values and Behaviours. The purpose of the role is to:
   - ensure the Grow program is adhered to, delivered effectively, ensuring quality and consistency in  keeping with Grow’s ethos and culture
   - develop programs as required and in line with external market
   - ensure that staff members and volunteers delivering the program are fully trained and
   - develop the skill set of this team to build organisational capacity and meet strategic initiatives.  

To learn more about this full-time role, click here.

Join a Regional Program Team
The primary role of a Regional Program Team member is to ensure, on behalf of the National Program Committee, that Grow Groups in the region are run according to the Grow Constitution and that they are, specifically, adhering faithfully to the Grow Program and the Group method, and

To work collaboratively with and to support the Regional Manager (RM) or Regional Area Leads (RAL) in their role of managing and developing the regions
  • To approve the appointment of the Grow Group Organisers and Recorders once they have been elected by the group
  • To review reports issued by the Organiser and Recorder meetings in the region
  • To analyse the information in Microsoft Forms/ Recorder forms produced in the region to assess the adherence of Grow Groups in the region to the Grow Program and Group Method
  • To nominate and support a member to act in support of dispute resolution  in managing in-group disputes
  • To review reports arising in relation to incidents in Grow Groups and any compliments and complaints received
  • To provide regular reports to the National Program Committee on its activities (according to the schedule of Board meetings)  to include
    • Organiser and Recorder Meetings
    • Reports from Monitoring and Evaluation via the Microsoft/Recorder Forms
    • The incident report and compliments and complaint Reports
  • To provide feedback to the National Program Committee on recommendations for any changes to the Grow Program.

    The Regional Program Team is advisory and recommendations it makes are brought to the National Program Committee for approval.


By Jonathan, Grow Group Member, Eastern Region
Each week, in our group, we take a task and are given part of the program - a piece of wisdom to help with our weekly task. We can chew on that nugget of wisdom during the week, so to speak. It’s a seed that sprouts. It gives us the understanding, the compassion and strength to help us complete our task. Over time, with many tasks and Grow wisdoms, we weave a new self.

Two months ago, in my meeting one lady shared that over her first cup of coffee of the morning she picks up her Grow Program Book and reads a page or two. That struck me as a wonderful practice. Over time the Grow Program becomes part of us. It’s inside when we need it.

In my time I have heard many Growers state that when they are having a tough day, they just open the Program Book and read. They soon find something that helps. A piece of wisdom that comforts. insights that illuminate. Sustaining food for strength and hope. It’s the wisdom and experience of others who have been on this journey before us. Like other books of wisdom, we can study a little piece each day. Reflect on this piece and even memorise it. It’s now woven into our very person.

Grow has produced a Daily/Weekly Progress & Reflection Journal. It is a wonderful resource for supporting our journey. Each day we write a little. This often touches a well spring inside that we did not know we had. Insights into the Grow Program and how it applies to ourselves bubble up. Writing and journalling puts us in touch with that collective human wisdom. It comes through us and on to the page. Its wisdom tailored made just for us.

It’s when we practice the Grow wisdom into each day that we truly grow into maturity. A tapestry of understanding, acceptance, confidence, control and love. Day by day, thread by thread we weave a new life.

By Eimear Kelleher, Grow MH, Digital Marketing Officer

We often hear about the importance of mental health, yet women are statistically more likely to experience mental health challenges than men. For instance, depression is more common in women than men, and women are also more susceptible to anxiety disorders.

How can this be? Let’s explore some factors that directly affect women at various stages in life:

Social Media: Social media has a significant impact on young women’s mental health. The pervasive portrayal of unrealistic beauty standards and societal expectations on social media platforms contributes to body dissatisfaction, low self-esteem, and an increased risk of eating disorders. Social media use is linked to increased rates of anxiety and depression among young women, as they strive for “perfection,” often without being consciously aware of the pressure they are under.

Busy Careers and Caregiving Demands: Women often juggle demanding careers with caregiving responsibilities, often leading to stress and burnout. Women spend, on average, more time on unpaid care work than men, making it harder for them to prioritize their own self-care needs and engage in healthy lifestyle habits that promote wellbeing. The pressure to “do it all” can result in neglecting personal health and wellbeing.

Parenting and Household Responsibilities: In many households, women continue to bear the primary responsibility for childcare and household duties, despite progress towards more equitable divisions of labour. This trend persists even when women are employed full-time, often leading to the “second shift” phenomenon where women take on a disproportionate share of unpaid work. If a woman chooses to stay at home to care for children full-time, she often becomes the primary provider of unpaid care work, which can lead to significant stress and financial vulnerability over time.

Domestic and Sexual Violence: Women are disproportionately affected by domestic and sexual violence, which has profound and long-lasting effects on mental health. About one-third of women globally have experienced physical or sexual violence, often by an intimate partner. The psychological impact of such trauma can result in depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, and other mental health issues.

Worldwide, over 10% of pregnant women and women who have just given birth experience depression. While women are more likely than men to seek help from their general practitioners (GPs) for mental health concerns, access to specialized mental health support is crucial. Barriers such as long waiting lists, stigma, and lack of resources can prevent women from getting the help they need.

Grow Mental Health’s Initiative: Grow Mental Health offers free weekly support groups for women to address these challenges. These support groups provide a safe space for women to share their experiences and receive support from peers. The groups are held online, making them fully accessible from home without the need for travel, traffic, or parking! All meetings are highly confidential and without judgment. There are no waiting lists or need for a GP referral, and meetings are inclusive to everyone over 18 years. Whether it’s depression, anxiety, self-harm, perinatal mental health issues, or other challenges, Grow is here to help.

Through this online mental health support group, you will see how women support one another. No one needs to face a problem alone. Click the button below to register your interest and find out more.

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Please Join Us for This Online Session

The Organiser is a vital part of the Grow Group. Taking on the role is a brave step into leadership at Grow Mental Health. Find out more by contacting Mary Walsh: [email protected]

Grow Area MH Coordinators Out in Force to Bring Grow's Message to Those in Need

On the 10th of September - World Suicide Prevention Day - Liz Shortall, Area Coordinator for Grow in Kilkenny and Carlow attended the Launch of ‘Traveller Road to Hope and Change Campaign' in the Talbot Hotel in Carlow.
This campaign is supported by the HSE, The National office for Suicide Prevention, Mental Health Operations and Department of Health.
Grow, alongside other national services, such as Mental Health Ireland, Shine and Pieta House provided an information stand at this event to maintain partnership working to improve Traveller Mental Health in Carlow and across the Southeast.

The speakers from the traveller community were very informative on many levels. They highlighted the need for more support around intergenerational trauma, feuds, overcrowding on sites, addiction, and suicides.  They stated that 1 in 10 deaths in the Traveller Community is sadly by suicide.

They called for the implementation of promised policies, from the government, especially the National Traveller Strategy.  The need for everyone to keep eliminating discrimination towards the traveller culture was also evident. Also, the need for Traveller supports to be provided in a safe environment where trust can be established. The emphasis was on creating the right conditions and people will come. 

Particularly enjoyable were the cultural performances by local traveller projects and organisations. The mention of creativity to help people express themselves and in turn to support mental health and reduce suicide in general was moving. 

The poets and singer songwriters all shared about their own mental health experiences and the importance of the traveller community receiving and engaging with mental health supports. The campaign to raise awareness of the need for improvements to support traveller mental health continues until Oct 10th. 

Written by Liz Shortall, pictured below.

The Mountmellick Grow group raised awareness for Grow on World Suicide Prevention Day by holding an information stand in the local Supervalu. Michelle McCormick the local Area Coordinator was assisted by members Natasha O’Neill and Norah Conroy to hand out green ribbons and resources to the local community. It was a very busy day with members of the community engaging well and stopping to chat to find out more. The annual See Change Green Ribbon campaign aims to spread awareness about all mental health difficulties to help end mental health stigma and discrimination. There was much interest in the local Grow groups and people were happy to wear the green ribbon and play their part in reducing stigma. Thanks to all who stopped by and who helped raise awareness on the day.

Written by Michelle McCormack, pictured below with Grow Group Member Natasha O'Neill



GROW MENTAL HEALTH PODCAST: Professor Jim Lucey and Mutual Respect

Professor Jim Lucey, fresh from his appearance at our National Weekend, joined Jenny Synnott from Grow MH for this month's Grow Mental Health Podcast.

Click the link below to listen to their discussion on all things mental health and to hear Jim's thoughts on how Grow Mental Health support groups truly excel in fostering mental health recovery.

Jim praises Grow for creating spaces where people can turn toward one another, particularly in a world that often encourages us to turn away (with the increasing reliance on devices, for example). He highlights how Grow's free mental health support groups continue to bring people together. He speaks about how "Grow is social" and how "Grow listens." Jim appreciates how the sharing that happens in meetings helps to break down fear, allowing sensitive conversations around mental health distress to unfold naturally.

The two also discuss the power of story, shared experiences, and hard-earned wisdom. Jim sums it up in a simple yet profound way: "This worked for me, maybe it might work for you!" He reflects on how Grow members encourage each other to keep growing through their conversations at meetings, their readings, and their shared activities outside of group time.

Throughout their 37-minute discussion, Jenny and Jim emphasize the importance of giving - giving time to one another, giving credit to ourselves and others, and giving grace, allowing both ourselves and others the room to make mistakes. Enjoy!

At this year’s National Weekend, we had the chance to see Jim Lucey not just as a professional, but as a person. His endorsement of our work and the standing ovation he received from Grow members following his presentation make it clear that the admiration between Grow Mental Health and Professor Jim Lucey is mutual.

Listen to Jenny's conversation with Jim Lucey here:

by Celia Brett, Grow Area Coordinator, Midwest Region

The South and Midwest regions had the opportunity to undertake the First Aid Responder training through Limerick and Clare Education Training Board over three full days.

The course was educational, warm and most of all it connected Grow Staff members. Beyond our proximity and working toward a common goal, we had to hone our communication skills and a learn life saving opportunity to learn something we might use in both our work and private lives. On saying that, we all hope we never have to use it! We practiced on CPR dolls and techniques were broken down into simple and easy-to-remember steps. We had practice runs to make sure we would be ready for any real-world situation.

We highly recommend this course to anyone who wants to be prepared for emergency situations in their community. The more first aid responders there are, the more lives will be saved.  
Many thanks to LCETB for the training and our tutor who exuded experience, knowledge, and hope. And as you can see from the photo above, we manged to have some fun between the tough sessions.


We wish wish Marian Maguire huge congratulations on her upcoming retirement.  Marian's last day was Wednesday, October 3rd.

Marian has worked at Grow for over 10 years and has been held in very high esteem by both colleagues and group members over the years. She will be missed by all. 

We wish you the very best of luck as you enter this new and exciting phase in your life and thank you very much for everything you have done at Grow and the members of Grow over the decade. 

October 1st - International Day for Older Persons
October 1st - International Music Day
October 7th - World Smile Day
October 10th - World Mental Health Day
October 17th - International Day for the Eradication of Poverty
October 31st - Halloween

Open to all staff members. (Attendance to be on your own time) weekly on Thursdays @ 10 AM (PLEASE NOTE UPDATED DAY/TIME). Contact Mary Walsh for the link: [email protected]


Online Grow Group meeting every Friday at 2 PM for any Grow member who might have missed their weekly Group, is looking for some extra support between meetings, or would like to offer support to others. Contact Felicia: [email protected]

Click the link to learn more.

Meetings take place online on Tuesdays between 10:30 AM and 12 PM. Click here for more details.

Our Caring and Sharing Online Coffee Morning is open to anyone in the Grow Community and meets online on the LAST MONDAY of every month. Contact [email protected] for details. Why not come along and share with other Grow members and staff in a casual, friendly setting?
Stay up to date with Grow by subscribing to our social media channels at the links below.

Grow in Ireland
Registered Charity Number: 200223294
33 Henry Street, Limerick, Ireland
Information Line: 0 818 474 474
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