May 2021 Newsletter
This month we marvel at the community spirit captured by our #YellowWalk and the host of creative and educational events taking place online.
Eastern Region – Spring Newsletter
Get all the updates and wisdom shared by the Eastern Region in this hopeful and inspiring Spring Newsletter.
Grow Eastern Region Newsletter – Winter Edition
Seasons Greetings from the Eastern Region with a winter installment of wisdom, news and creative pieces to aid in personal recovery and transformation. [pdf id=6408]
Grow Eastern Region Newsletter – Summer 2020
Summer 2020 Issue 48 Cocooned Nelson Mandela’s 27 years in prison were marked by terrible hardship, freezing nights, suffocating summer days, poor food and back breaking labour. He slept on a thin mat on a stone floor for most of his time behind bars in a cell about 19 x 16 feet. For many years, […]