By John, Grow Group Member, Northwest Region
The very first response in answer to the question What Can Grow Offer You? is HOPE OF RECOVERY (Grow Program Book, Page 13). Hope can be defined as a feeling of expectation and desire for a thing to happen. Our Grow leaflets and website include amongst reasons to join Grow "To find hope in our members stories which are shared at weekly support meetings". This is at the heart of Grow peer support, believing that we are all capable of helping others because "people feel less alone if they can talk about their experiences and can share coping strategies and what works for them".
If there is hope for anyone, there is hope for me, if there is hope for me then there is hope for anyone (Grow Program Book p. 105).
The Grow Program teaches us that while Feelings are real but they may not correspond to the facts, however feelings can change how we think if we allow them to. What brings us hope is when we can find the space for new ideas and a new way of thinking that provides for greater possibilities and more opportunities for hope to flourish within ourselves.
My feelings will get better as my habits of thinking and acting get better (Grow Program Book p. 24).
If we can reconcile that Hope itself is not an emotion, but is more a way of thinking, and if we can accept ultimately that we do have the capacity to control our thoughts, this provides us with grounds for further hope. If we understand that we have less direct control over our emotional feelings, then we can learn not to focus too much on our negative feelings.
Step 9. We developed will power to do the right thing in spite of our feelings (Grow Program Book p. 15).
In my Grow group we often repeat the phrase `Mental health is caught not taught` when referring to the Grow Wisdom Mental Health can’t be taught, it has to be learned together. Hope is developed from sharing our experiences, thoughts, and friendship.
At the end of Grow meetings, The Affirmation of Good is recited with these helpful words:
We hope for ourselves and wish to one another and to every human being, enduring friendships, an end to hostility, and the best in life, love and happiness (Grow Program Book p. 100).