June 2023 Newsletter – Community

Telling our story and listen to the stories of others is a powerful experience for so many reasons. Read our latest newsletter to find out why, plus learn about Grow in the community, upcoming events, and all the news from the last month.
Grow Mental Health Podcast: The Power of Story

The May podcast is about story – how a person story inspires hope and the importance of story in one’s own growth and recovery.
May 2023 Newsletter – The Power of Story

Telling our story and listen to the stories of others is a powerful experience for so many reasons. Read our latest newsletter to find out why, plus learn about Grow in the community, upcoming events, and all the news from the last month.
Grow Mental Health Podcast: Discovering Hope

Our April podcast is a discussion on discovering hope in your Grow Group and in your everyday habits.
Hope by Jonathan

An excerpt from our April 2023 newsletter. Jonathan, Grow Member from the Eastern Region, talks about the quest that takes us away from home and restores hope. Enjoy this wonderful and creative reading experience.
April 2023 Newsletter – Discovering Hope

There is a lot happening in Grow Mental Health these days! Check out our latest newsletter for event listings and reviews, new group postings, and so much more. This month, our contributors have taken a look at HOPE and what this looks like in our Grow Groups. Enjoy!
Six Steps to Balanced Living: Change

Change – Yikes! When we think about changing, leaving old habits behind, potentially losing relationships that are no longer healthy – it’s scary. But when we break change down into small chunks and when we start to make even the smallest of changes, it becomes achievable. Without change, there is no balance. Give it a try today!
Six Steps to Balanced Living: Integrity

We continue our series Six Steps to Balanced Living with a look at developing integrity. When we understand, live, and defend our own truth – living with integrity is second nature. It’s not always easy, but it is 100% worth the effort.
Six Steps to Balanced Living: Inclusion

Our new series for World Mental Health Day continues with a look at hope. When hope sparks, anything is possible. Find out how to spark hope today and every day and why it is vital to our mental wellbeing.
Six Steps to Balanced Living: Hope

Our new series for World Mental Health Day continues with a look at hope. When hope sparks, anything is possible. Find out how to spark hope today and every day and why it is vital to our mental wellbeing.
Grow Mental Health Podcast: Hope

Join Jenny, Claire and Ruth as we discuss hope in the context of Grow Mental Health. Hope sustains our growth and recovery. We look at hope from the perspective of both a longstanding Grow member and a Grow Area Coordinator.