A Deeper Look at Stress

Grow member George brings us through the causes, patterns and, most important. tools for minimising stress in your life. A timely article for the time of year!

Take a Breath

by Caroline Crotty Anyone who knows me is aware that at every opportunity, I recommend learning how to control our breath and breathing. I even go so far as to suggest that when you learn that skill, it is life-changing. Our typical, everyday breathing takes place without us ever having to pay attention to it, it […]

Self Care

By Caroline Crotty   I’m not sure how many times I said ‘mind yourself’ or ‘take care’ and recently, someone replied ‘Caroline, I don’t know how’.  I suggested that I’d write an article to outline some of the ways in which we can look after ourselves.   I’ve been thinking about how I ‘mind’ myself. There are a few things […]

You Must Pass

 By Seamus Sharkey Kelly  Ireland: You must pass your leaving cert, you must get the Points, you must, you must. Oh and sorry there’s no place for you in college?? But here’s another reality: it’s not the end of the world if you don’t pass,  I know only too well. I don’t have a group cert I […]

Positive Living

By James Corcoran, Claremorris Group   When I came to live in Limerick in August 1979, I found it hard to settle in, Up to that time I did things on impulse and this was not a good way to solve problems. Then I began to go to Grow meetings and people there helped me […]

Step 11 – Growing daily closer to maturity

By Maria As a child of the sixties. large classrooms were commonplace. There were fifty-four pupils in my class and one teacher. It was easy to feel invisible, and as a quiet child voiceless and unimportant. The louder children drowned out my attempts to speak, and I lost confidence in who I was. I came […]


By Bridget Oh gushy green lushishness  of this early summer’s day, sap-filled shoots pulsating forth  intricate blooms of May. No snow nor hail  or fleeting sleet Will keep a hold  on Earth’s unfolding heat.  Un-burdened now from winter sleep butterflies raise their wings in solar flight, while into June mid-summer looms stretching out the day […]


By Maria Each week a part of our Grow meeting is a report on how well we did the previous week on our chosen task. We will also choose a task for the following week. The Grow Literature advises that it would be better if each member chooses their own task, as they are more […]

‘We are more durable than vulnerable’ – Coping During Covid-19

By George I hope as you read this, you are safe and well. The Covid-19 virus has certainly shook us up. I’ve learned that life doesn’t come with instructions‼️ Learning to live with the virus has been challenging. I recognise that this is a difficult time for all of us and we might be out […]

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