Grow Mental Health Podcast: Contentment

Contentment Podcast Art

Jenny, Lorraine and John share their thoughts and ideas about happiness, contentment, the Grow Program and how to find peace of mind in the darkest times.

August 2023 Newsletter – Happiness and Contentment

August newsletter logo

What does happiness mean to you? How about contentment? Our August newsletter explores these ideas with lots of input from our creative and thoughtful Grow community. Catch up with our latest events, recaps, and Grow news here, too.

Book Launch: Stories of Hope and Recovery

Book launch

The Grow community and guests gathered on May 17th for the launch of Stories of Hope and Recovery with readings from storytellers, comments from the editors and more,

July 2023 Newsletter – Friendship

July Newsletter Logo

Telling our story and listen to the stories of others is a powerful experience for so many reasons. Read our latest newsletter to find out why, plus learn about Grow in the community, upcoming events, and all the news from the last month.


Yellowwalk 2023 thumbnail

On June 21st, 2023 – the longest and brightest day of the year – we donned our yellow T-shirts and walked to raise funds and awareness for Grow Mental Health. What a day! Enjoy these highlights and thank you to all involved.

June 2023 Newsletter – Community

June 2023 Newsletter Thunmbnail

Telling our story and listen to the stories of others is a powerful experience for so many reasons. Read our latest newsletter to find out why, plus learn about Grow in the community, upcoming events, and all the news from the last month.

May 2023 Newsletter – The Power of Story

May 2023 Newsletter

Telling our story and listen to the stories of others is a powerful experience for so many reasons. Read our latest newsletter to find out why, plus learn about Grow in the community, upcoming events, and all the news from the last month.

Hope by Jonathan

hopeful journey

An excerpt from our April 2023 newsletter. Jonathan, Grow Member from the Eastern Region, talks about the quest that takes us away from home and restores hope. Enjoy this wonderful and creative reading experience.

April 2023 Newsletter – Discovering Hope

Discovering Hope Logo

There is a lot happening in Grow Mental Health these days! Check out our latest newsletter for event listings and reviews, new group postings, and so much more. This month, our contributors have taken a look at HOPE and what this looks like in our Grow Groups. Enjoy!

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