OUR Latest Podcast

Grow Mental Health Podcast: Christmas Day, Your Way
Deck the halls! Or don’t. Do what is right and comfortable for you this Christmas. Join Jenny, Holly and Killian as they explore what Christmas means for them and how they find balance during the holiday season. Enjoy!
GRow Mental Health Podcasts

Grow Mental Health Podcast: Discovering Hope
Our April podcast is a discussion on discovering hope in your Grow Group and in your everyday habits.

Grow Mental Health Podcast: The Cycle of Support
Our March podcast is a discussion on the cyclical nature of support both in the Grow Group and in life.

Grow Mental Health Podcast: Personal Value
Welcome to February. Love is in the air! Let’s look at what in means to focus that love on ourselves. Join us for the latest Grow Mental Health Podcast: Personal Value.

Grow Mental Health Podcast: Self-Activation
Our latest podcast is a discussion on SELF-ACTIVATION and how our guests, Colette and Felicia, have learned to take the first step toward positvie change, even when it’s difficult. Enjoy!

Grow Mental Health Podcast: Seasonal Support
Join Jenny and Grow Board and Group members Annabel and Paul to talk about the ways they find support through what can be a difficult holiday season for many.

Grow Mental Health Podcast: Gratitude
Join Jenny and Grow member Christine for a discussion on gratitude. Why is it important? How can it help you on your journey to wellness? What does a gratitude practice look like to you?

Grow Mental Health Podcast: Letting Go
Join Jenny, Emily, and Thomas for a raw and honest look at letting go for mental health. We talk about how to identify the things that are no longer healthy for us, how our Grow groups help us in the process of letting go, and what the world can look like when you are able to shed those habits, relationships, resentments that are holding your back from your own growth and recovery.

Grow Mental Health Podcast: Truth
Join Jenny, Grow Member Myles and member and Area Coordinator Michelle as they discuss truth as the key to change, connection, integrity, and so much more. Myles and Michelle share their difficult journeys to living their truth. This one is not to be missed!

Grow Mental Health Podcast: Leadership
Join Jenny and Grow Member John and Grow National Volunteer Coordinator Mary for a discussion about the barriers to leadership and the role leadershiop plays in the Grow Program. In Grow, we see everyone as a leader with both the capability and responsibility to take on leadership roles.